Artist Membership Application Business NameEnter your business name (if applicable)First NameEnter your first name.Last NameEnter your surname.Street AddressApartment, suite, etcCityProvincePostal CodePhoneEmail AddressWebsiteReasons to Join (Briefly explain why you would like to join the Collective.)Assistance (Identify an area you would be willing to assist with e.g. accounting, advertising, book- keeping, carpentry, education, event organization, fundraising, grant-writing, IT, marketing, maintenance, web design, web development, or other.)PERMISSION FOR PUBLICITYI permit the Collective to publish my name, personal photograph, and/or video images.From time to time, the Collective may publicize information about its members to the community through various media To avoid misunderstandings about privacy and the use of personal information, please check the box belowPERMISSION FOR DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONI permit the Collective to send me member-related communications.MEMBERSHIP TYPEIndividual Supporter Fee: $20/yr + GSTCommunity Support Membership (For Business/Organizations) Fee: $25/yr + GSTAll Membership Fees are non-refundable. Membership fees are invoiced annually and are due by November 30 each year. *By paying the Membership Fee you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by the Collective’s Code of Conduct and abide by all Rules and Regulations (available on our website Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that breaching the Code of Conduct is grounds for disciplinary action which may include rescinding your membership.SignatureSign HereYour browser does not support e-Signature field.DateCode of Conduct Customer Service We serve the public interest with a positive, engaged, and professional attitude.Open Communication We communicate openly, respectfully, and promptly. Accountability We take ownership of our actions, keep our commitments, act with integrity, and always aim to do the right thing.Healthy and Safe Work Environment We provide a workplace that is free from recognized hazards and maintain working conditions that are safe and healthful.Fun We believe that respectful humor, laughter, and plain old fun are important contributing factors to our individual and organizational well-being. Innovation We embrace new ideas and new technologies. Participation We achieve sustainability and success as a collective, member-based gallery through active involvement, teamwork, and recognition. Continuous Learning and Development We acquire ongoing success and personal growth through continual learning and collaboration with each other and with our wider community. Dispute Resolution We resolve disputes in a timely and professional manner. We employ varied approaches (tailored to the issue at hand) and emphasize finding mutually beneficial and constructive solutions to maintain amicable relationships.Inclusivity We aim to promote all the artists represented in our gallery to the best of our ability and without bias. We are an inclusive organization – all are welcome.Submit Form